Meet Joe!
Joe Kim is a sophomore in Industrial Engineering, an engineering group lead, and is on the travel team!
Joe’s group, Design of Clinic Targeting Ergonomic Results (DoCTER), works to plan out the potential layout of the clinic. This involves many parts that will all work together to plan out the stages of building the clinic in Ullo. Joe hopes to use his engineering group lead position to bring his skills in Industrial Engineering and optimization to the table. By treating this as an optimization problem, the impact can be maximized in the long run. As a group lead, Joe utilizes leadership and organizational skills to help the group-members work to the best of their abilities.
In addition to being an amazing group lead, Joe is also planning to go to Ghana with the travel team! By going to Ghana, Joe will get to see how the work he is doing may be implemented and also make connections with the community.
While in Ghana, Joe will be investigating the clinic and will also serve as a “Health/Safety Officer.” He is looking forward to being able to meet members of the community and to be able to fully appreciate the work EWB is doing. Overall, this experience will motivate Joe in implementing projects down the road.
In conclusion, Joe is a hard-working group lead, and his contributions will make an immense impact in Ghana. We are very excited to have Joe as a member of this year’s travel team!
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