ISU Teams:
The EWB-ISU Clinic Electrical team has been busy researching photovoltaic power systems as a source of backup power for the clinic.
Clinic Sanitation is finalizing its design proposal for the unfinished restroom facility. After that, they will switch to researching three-tank septic systems for the clinic.
The Clinic Drainage team is finishing the design of the water drainage system for the clinic. After that, they will begin researching methods of remotely measuring the water levels in the clinic water towers.
Rainwater Catchment:
Designing and installing a rainwater catchment and drip irrigation system for the school of Ullo. The rainwater catchment system will collect water during the rainy season to later be used for agricultural purposes
Shea Nut:
We are working with the women of Ullo to develop methods to help extend the production period for shea nuts to help these women improve their business.