So… How was Ghana?

     It’s such a funny thing when friends and family ask me about my trip to UIlo. “Oh my goodness! How was Africa?! That’s where you went, right?” My usual answer is simply, “amazing.” But every now and then someone really looks at me asks about my experience. That’s when I tell them to pull up a chair. There is no passing way to […]

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From My Perspective

  Ullo is a small town in the Upper West Region of Ghana, approximately 6000 miles away. Traveling there requires two 8 hour flights, a 1 hour flight, and about 8 hours of driving on roads that are, let’s say less than ideal. By the time I reached the community it was dark, I was exhausted, and even a little bit nauseous. But the second […]

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New to Engineers Without Borders

This year, Engineers Without Borders changed the name of “Freshman Leadership Board” to “NEWB” which creatively stands for New Engineers Without Borders. The name also resembles the word newbie which is ironically the purpose of the club. 

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Future Development Projects

As the travel team is preparing for their water supply assessment trip this December to our partner community in Ullo, Ghana, the rest of EWB has their eyes set on the future. Dedicated to the longevity of our partnership, members have been working on several Future Development Projects (FDP). The goal of these projects is to listen to what Ullo’s main needs are and explore […]

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Ullo, Ghana Project

Ullo is a small village in the Upper West region of Ghana with 1100 permanent residents and capacity for 1500 students who travel from allover the region to attend the local high school. Ullo is an impoverished community where almost all of the villager’s practice subsistence farmingand the area has a daily income of about $0.75 per person. Ullo is a traditional village and has […]

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