Joe Kim is a sophomore in Industrial Engineering, an engineering group lead, and is on the travel team! Joe’s group, Design of Clinic Targeting Ergonomic Results (DoCTER), works to plan out the potential layout of the clinic. This involves many parts that will all work together to plan out the stages of building the clinic in Ullo. Joe hopes to use his engineering group lead […]
Friedmann receives Excellence Award from Engineers Without Borders
Paige Jewell is a senior majoring in civil engineering, and she is both a member of the travel team that is going to Ullo, Ghana, and the vice president of the structures/site plan group. Her group is looking into methods used for building construction, which may come in handy with some future possible projects. She decided to become a group lead after her initial trip […]
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Factor Analysis with Clare Lanaghan Engineers Without Borders
Our time in Ullo started in the night. After multiple days of traveling and only interacting with the travel team members and Zack, I was not expecting the excitement that we arrived to. As our van started down the main road of Ullo, children started running after us, one by one, and surrounding the vehicle as we took our first steps in the community that […]
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